Rapido Trains FB-2 "New Haven" #466

by Rapido Trains

Item #: RPI22035

MSRP: 254,90 € 149.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • Ready for use with DCC (DCC interface)

5-Pol Motor mit doppelter Schwungmasse, Metallrahmen, sehr fein detailliert

shipping weight: 1,320 kg

Information on product safety:
Manufacturer:  Rapido Trains Inc., 500 Alden Rd Unit 21, Markham ON L3R5H5, Canada, www.rapidotrains.com
Imported by: RD-Hobby Modellbahnen, Jaegersburger Str. 17,68649 Gross-Rohrheim, Deutschland, email@RD-Hobby.de