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Kadee Nr.18 Kupplungen für Normschacht NEM 362 - mittel -

Item #: KD018


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

2 Paar Kupplungen 8,63 mm lang. NEM-362 Medium Coupler - 8.63 mm (11/32") (w/o Draft Gear Boxes)

shipping weight: 0,011 kg

Kadee Nr.17 Kupplungen für Normschacht NEM 362 - kurz -

Item #: KD017


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

2 Paar Kupplungen 7,11 mm lang NEM-362 Short Coupler - 7.11 mm (9/32") (w/o Draft Gear Boxes)

shipping weight: 0,011 kg

Kadee Nr.19 Kupplungen für Normschacht NEM 362 - lang -

Item #: KD019


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

2 Paar Kupplungen 10,76 mm lang. NEM-362 Long Coupler - 10.76 mm (27/64") (w/o Draft Gear Boxes)

shipping weight: 0,011 kg

Kadee Nr.20 Kupplungen für Normschacht NEM 362 - extra lang -

Item #: KD020


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

2 Paar Kupplungen 11,68 mm lang NEM-362 Extra Long Coupler - 11.68 mm (29/64") (w/o Draft Gear Boxes)

shipping weight: 0,011 kg

Kadee Nr.5 Kupplungssatz

Item #: -KD011


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.


20 Paar Kupplungen mit Federn (KD 634) für Kupplungsaufnahme

shipping weight: 0,044 kg

Walthers 2024/2025 HO - N - Z Model Railroad Reference Book

Item #: 913-224

MSRP: 30,90 € 24.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Der neue Walthers H0 - N - Z Katalog für das Jahr 2024/2025

shipping weight: 2,090 kg

Kadee Nr.5 Kupplungssatz

Item #: -KD010


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.


10 Paar Kupplungen mit Federn (KD 634) für Kupplungsaufnahme

shipping weight: 0,028 kg

Broadway Limited Power Car "Union Pacific" #2066

Item #: 187-9123


Advance Order

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Innovation! Delivery 3 quarter 2025

passend zu UPs "Excursion-Trains" ob Diesel oder Dampf with Roof Antenna Inneneinrichtung, Innenbeleuchtung, detaillierter Unterboden, viele Details

shipping weight: 2,750 kg

Broadway Limited Power Car "Union Pacific" #2066

Item #: 187-9124


Advance Order

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Innovation! Delivery 3 quarter 2025

  • with Sound

passend zu UPs "Excursion-Trains" ob Diesel oder Dampf without Roof Antenna Inneneinrichtung, Innenbeleuchtung, detaillierter Unterboden, viele Details

shipping weight: 2,750 kg

Kalmbach Modeling Shortline Railroad

Item #: 400-12853


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Modeling Shortline Railroads from Firecrown and Model Railroader Magazine is a good look at how to model smaller railroads which offer distinct differences from their mainline counterparts. Modeling shortline railroads can lead down many paths. They often feature older equipment, less-frequent operation, and simple track arrangements, all of which can make them easier to re-create. Author and modeler Tony Koester features both classic and modern examples of prototype short lines across the country in this book. Modern holding companies that operate multiple shortline railroads How older locomotives and freight equipment get new life on short lines Examples of how modelers have used short lines to create realistic layouts How a shortline layout can be realistically freelanced based on a prototype example Modeling Shortline Railroads is one of many Firecrown railroading books. Softcover, 112 pages.

shipping weight: 0,440 kg

Kadee Arch Bar Trucks 33" Ribbed Back Wheels

Item #: KD501


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

1 Paar Arch Bar Trucks mit 33" Ribbed Back Wheels, Antimagnetisch, isoliert, RP-25

shipping weight: 0,039 kg

Kadee 33' Smooth Back Metallradsätze für Güterwagen

Item #: KD520


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Laufraddurchmesser 9,7 mm, Achslänge 25,9 mm

12er Pack. Antimagnetisch, isoliert, RP-25

shipping weight: 0,044 kg

Digitrax DH187A0 HO Scale Mobile Decoder

Item #: DH187A0


Not in stock

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Für Athearn Genesis, Kato, Stewart, Atlas und andere Loks. Drop-in light board replacement 1.0 Amp/2 Amps Peak 8 FX7 Functions, 300ma Output

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Brekina Ford Mustang '68 Fastback "Bullit" dunkelgrün

Item #: 175-19600

MSRP: 19,90 € 18.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

RTR, Gummireifen Maßstab 1:87

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Bachmann 4-4-0 American mit Tender "Central Pacific"

Item #: BAC52702

MSRP: 369,90 € 319.00

Not in stock

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

- SoundTraxx® steam package that includes authentic prototypical chuff, short and long whistles, bell, air pump, steam release, and blower

  • with DCC Decoder
  • with Sound

Beleuchtung Länge ca. 185 mm

shipping weight: 0,385 kg

Woodland Just Plug Lightning System - Licht Verteiler und, 2 LED, warm-weiß

Item #: 785-5700


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Set enthält zwei warm-weiße Stick-On LEDs Ganz einfach über die Regler zu dimmen Ein Light Hub hat Platz für 4 LEDs, beliebig erweiterbar Benötigt ein Just Plug Power Supply (Art.5770 + Spannungswandler) oder falls man die Lampen mit an den "Bahn Trafo" anschliessen möchte die Verbindungskabel (Art.5760)

shipping weight: 0,055 kg

Woodland Just Plug Lightning System - 220 V Netzteil

Item #: 785-5771


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

220V Netzteil ausreichend für bis zu 50 Just Plug LEDs INPUT: 220VAC, 60Hz OUTPUT: 24DC, 1000mA

shipping weight: 0,055 kg

ESU LokSound V5.0 mit 8-pol. NEM652

Item #: ESU58410


Not in stock - Time of delivery 1 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

- Sound wird nach Absprache aufgespielt - mit Lautsprecher

Technische Daten Betrieb unter DCC mit RailComPlus®, M4, Motorola® und Selectrix® 32 Funktionen schaltbar (abhängig von der Zentrale) 32-Bit-Prozessor Digitaler Class-„D“-Verstärker mit bis zu 3 W Leistung (LokSound 5 XL: 13 W) Jeder Kanal in 16-Bit-Auflösung und 31250 kHz Samplerate Geräuschspeicher mit 128 Mbit Kapazität Motorregelung mit 50 kHz Taktfrequenz RC-Servos und Susi-Module ansteuerbar 3 neue, individuell einstellbare Bremsregler Zweistufige Schwerlast-Simulation Updatefähig mit ESU-LokProgrammer LokSound 5 Universal-Sound-Decoder für die Spurweiten H0 und Spur 0 Motorstrom 1,5 A Je nach Schnittstelle bis zu 12 verstärkte Funktionsausgänge für Sonderfunktionen (Total: Bis zu 15 Ausgänge) 10 Soundkanäle gleichzeitig abspielbar Ab Werk mit 11x15-mm-„Zuckerwürfel“-Lautsprecher mit anpassbarem Schallkapsel-Set PowerPack-Speicherkondensator optional anschließbar Abmessungen: 30 mm x 15,5 mm, Schnittstelle: 8-pin NEM 652

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Oxford 1961 Chevrolet Corvair Greenbrier Passenger Van, Tampico Turquoise, Cameo White

Item #: 553-87CG61001


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.


shipping weight: 0,055 kg

Broadway Limited Track Inspection Car "Fox River" "Union Pacific"

Item #: 187-9105


Advance Order

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Innovation! Delivery 3 quarter 2025

"Fox River" 1995 - 2006 Appearance Inneneinrichtung, Innenbeleuchtung, detaillierter Unterboden, viele Details

shipping weight: 0,550 kg

Caboose Industries Ground Throw w/5 End Fittings, Sprung (5)

Item #: CAB5218S


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

5er Pack Weichenstellhebel mit Feder.

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Walthers Code 83 Curved Turnout 20" & 24" Right

Item #: 948-83062


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

20" Innenradius 24" Außenradius

shipping weight: 0,127 kg

Kadee Nr.148 Kupplungen "WHISKER" Coupler - Medium (9/32") Centerset Shank

Item #: -KD148-50


Not in stock

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.


50 Paar Kupplungen mit Federn für Kupplungsaufnahme

shipping weight: 0,055 kg

Kadee Spezialzange

Item #: KD237


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Spezialzange zum einfachen biegen der Kupplung in die richtige Form.

shipping weight: 0,220 kg

Kadee Kit Logging Caboose

Item #: KD104


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Detailierte Logging Caboose Bausatz von Kadee, Rahmen und Radsätze (ribbed back wheels)aus Metall, Kadee Kupplungen Länge: ca. 50 mm

shipping weight: 0,099 kg

Cornerstone Track Bumpers (12)

Item #: 933-3511

MSRP: 19,90 € 19.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

12 Prellböcke, realistische Farben, einfach zu bauen und auf die Gleisen zu setzen

shipping weight: 0,165 kg

Bullfrog Snot / Haftreifen für alle Lokomotiven

Item #: 174-1


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

zum Auftragen auf Lokomotiv-Radsätze zur Verbesserung der Haftung 30ml

1.130,00 € per 1000ml

shipping weight: 0,033 kg

Bachmann 72' Smooth-Side Baggage "Pennsylvania - Fleet of Modernism" #6707

Item #: B14406

MSRP: 74,90 € 65.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Mit Metallradsätzen Länge: ca. 295 mm Spur: H0

shipping weight: 0,303 kg

Atlas Ford F-350 Crew Cab Pickup Truck, Red Fire

Item #: ATL35000010


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

RTR, Inneneinrichtung, viele Details

shipping weight: 0,055 kg

Brekina Peterbilt 281 Ko-SZ Union Pacific

Item #: 175-85765


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

RTR, Gummireifen Maßstab 1:87

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Broadway Limited Power Car "Union Pacific" #2066

Item #: 187-9122


Advance Order

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Innovation! Delivery 3 quarter 2025

  • with Sound

passend zu UPs "Excursion-Trains" ob Diesel oder Dampf with Roof Antenna Inneneinrichtung, Innenbeleuchtung, detaillierter Unterboden, viele Details

shipping weight: 2,750 kg

Broadway Limited Track Inspection Car "Fox River" "Union Pacific"

Item #: 187-9106


Advance Order

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Innovation! Delivery 3 quarter 2025

"Fox River" 2006 - Present Appearance Inneneinrichtung, Innenbeleuchtung, detaillierter Unterboden, viele Details

shipping weight: 0,550 kg

Atlas Weiche rechts Nr. 6

Item #: -ATL564


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Polarisierbares Herzstück Metall brüniert, geeignet für Unterflur Antrieb, Nickel-Silber, 9°, Stück, Code 83, Herzstück polarisierbar, Länge ca. 30,5 cm.

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Atlas gebogene Gleis Radius 61 cm

Item #: -ATL536


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Nickel-Silber, 6 Stück, Code 83 (16 Gleise werden für einen Kreis benötigt).

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Atlas Weiche links Nr. 6

Item #: -ATL563


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Polarisierbares Herzstück Metall brüniert, geeignet für Unterflur Antrieb, 9°, Nickel-Silber, Stück, Code 83, Herzstück polarisierbar, Länge ca. 30,5 cm.

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Atlas Kreuzung 90°

Item #: -ATL577


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Nickel-Silber, Stück, Code 83

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Atlas gerades Gleis verschiedene

Item #: -ATL524


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

verschiedene Längen

shipping weight: 0,099 kg

Bachmann 1860-1880 Coach "Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey"

Item #: BAC16601

MSRP: 44,90 € 25.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.


shipping weight: 0,242 kg

Kato Unitrack Gebogenes Gleis Radius 730mm

Item #: 381-2240


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

4 Gebogene Gleise, Radius 730mm 16 Gleise ergeben einen Kreis

shipping weight: 0,073 kg

Walthers Proto 33" Wheelsets w/Metal Axles

Item #: 920-2300

MSRP: 18,90 € 16.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Laufraddurchmesser 9,7 mm, Achslänge 25,6 mm

12 Stück. Metallradsätze mit Metallachsen, RP 25

shipping weight: 0,011 kg

Woodland Just Plug Lightning System - Port Sharing Device

Item #: 785-5681


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Nutzen sie den Port Sharing Device zusamnen mit dem Light Hub oder dem Sequencing Light Hub um bis zu 4 LED Leuchten zu nutzen

shipping weight: 0,055 kg

Kadee A.S.F. Ride Control 50-Ton Trucks

Item #: KD504


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

1 Paar A.S.F. Ride Control 50-Ton Trucks aus Metall mit 33" Smooth Back Metallradsätzen, Antimagnetisch, isoliert, RP-25, Federn.

shipping weight: 0,039 kg

Bachmann EZ-Track - gerades Gleis 228 mm mit Schotterbett

Item #: -B44511


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

4 Gleise mit Schotterbett, Nickel-Silber, Code 100

shipping weight: 0,132 kg

Kato Unitrack Gerades Gleis 369mm

Item #: 381-2180


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

4 Gerade Gleise je 369mm Nickel Silber, mit Gleisbett

shipping weight: 0,073 kg

Woodland Mod-U-Rail System - Incline Sets 3%

Item #: 785-1416


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

3% Incline/Decline Set 6 sections raise/lower 4 1/2" (11.4 cm) in a 12' (3.65 m) run Each section measuring 2 1/2" w x 24" l (6.35 x 60.9 cm)

shipping weight: 0,330 kg

Walthers Streamlined Passenger Trucks w/Talgo Couplers pkg(2)

Item #: 920-6050


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

1 Paar Drehgestelle * Improved realism & performance for older streamlined cars * Fits Walthers and cars from most other manufacturers * Highly detailed one-piece sideframes * Based on GSC 41-N-11 prototype trucks * Correct 36" turned metal wheelsets * Proto MAX(TM) metal knuckle couplers

shipping weight: 0,110 kg

Walthers Code 83 Turnout #4 Right

Item #: 948-83014


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Nickel Silver, DCC Friendly

shipping weight: 0,127 kg

Frateschi Old Time Coach - Wood Style "Denver and Rio Grande Western"

Item #: FRA2616

MSRP: 32,90 € 29.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Inneneinrichtung, Bügelkupplungen.

shipping weight: 0,143 kg

Walthers Dry Bulk Semi Trailer "Undecorated"

Item #: 949-2620


Advance Order

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Innovation! Delivery 2 quarter 2025

1 Anhänger, fertig montiert

shipping weight: 0,055 kg

Kadee 40' APEX Running Board für Güterwagen

Item #: KD2000


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

2er Pack Running Board in Red Oxide

shipping weight: 0,011 kg