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H0 - Specials

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Bachmann Silver Series 250K Crane Car & Boom Tender "Maintenance of Way"

Item #: BAC16138

MSRP: 87,90 € 55.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Länge: ca. 325 mm

shipping weight: 0,297 kg

Woodland Scenics Canoers

Item #: 785-1918

MSRP: 21,90 € 14.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Das Set besteht aus 4 verschiedenen Figuren, 2 Kanus und Zubehör (Handbemalt).

shipping weight: 0,022 kg

Woodland Scenics Dock Workers

Item #: 785-1823

MSRP: 18,90 € 14.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Das Set besteht aus 6 verschiedenen Figuren und Kisten (Handbemalt).

shipping weight: 0,022 kg

Accurail/Micro Trains Line ACF 2-Bay Covered Hopper - Weathered "Denver and Rio Grande Western" #10002

Item #: 489-2200006

MSRP: 74,90 € 69.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Accurail Bausatz mit allen erfoderlichen Teilen von Micro Trains gealtert

shipping weight: 0,165 kg

Athearn Genesis AMD103/P42 "Amtrak/50th Anniversary" #100

Item #: ATHG81114

MSRP: 234,90 € 219.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • Ready for use with DCC (DCC interface)

Midnight Blue Alle Achsen angetrieben, Motor mit 2 Schwungmassen, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, sehr gute Detaillierung

shipping weight: 0,638 kg

Athearn Genesis EMD GP50 "Norfolk Southern" #7085

Item #: ATHG65923

MSRP: 349,90 € 299.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Auf einer Seite fehlen die Fenster im Führerhaus

  • with DCC Decoder
  • with Sound

Alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, Inneneinrichtung, viele Details

shipping weight: 1,100 kg

Athearn Genesis EMD SD45-2 "CSX" #8262

Item #: ATHG67230

MSRP: 349,90 € 269.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • with DCC Decoder
  • with Sound

Alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, Inneneinrichtung, sehr viele Details

shipping weight: 1,100 kg

Athearn Genesis EMD SD45-2 "Norfolk Southern/ex-Conrail" #1700

Item #: ATHG67237

MSRP: 349,90 € 249.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • with DCC Decoder
  • with Sound

Alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, Inneneinrichtung, sehr viele Details

shipping weight: 1,100 kg

Athearn Genesis EMD SD90MAC "Union Pacific" #8507

Item #: ATHG27321

MSRP: 419,90 € 389.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • with DCC Decoder
  • with Sound

Alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, LED Beleuchtung, Inneneinrichtung, sehr viele Details

shipping weight: 1,100 kg

Athearn Genesis GE AC4400CW "Southern Pacific" #114

Item #: ATHG31556

MSRP: 309,90 € 269.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Pre-order deadline: 3/25/2022

  • Ready for use with DCC (DCC interface)

5-Pol Motor mit doppelter Schwungmasse, alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, Inneneinrichtung, sehr viele zum großen Teil separat angebrachte Details spezifisch zu Bahngesellschaft und Roadnumber

shipping weight: 1,100 kg

Athearn Genesis GE Dash 9-44CW "Southern Pacific" #8135

Item #: ATHG31541

MSRP: 314,90 € 249.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • Ready for use with DCC (DCC interface)

Neue Genesis 2.0 Technologie 5-Pol Motor mit doppelter Schwungmasse, alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, Inneneinrichtung, sehr viele Details seperat angebracht

shipping weight: 1,540 kg

Athearn Genesis RTR C-50-9 BW Caboose "Southern Pacific" #4709

Item #: ATHG78395

MSRP: 174,90 € 149.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • with Sound

Metallradsätze, detaillierte Inneneinrichtung, detaillierter Unterboden, Fensterrahmen aus Metall, LED Beleuchtung ( am Wagen + Innenbeleuchtung ), per eingebautem NCE DCC Decoder einstellbar Soundtraxx Tsunami SoundCar Decoder

shipping weight: 0,182 kg

Athearn Genesis RTR C-50-9 BW Caboose "Southern Pacific" #4762

Item #: ATHG78397

MSRP: 174,90 € 149.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • with Sound

Metallradsätze, detaillierte Inneneinrichtung, detaillierter Unterboden, Fensterrahmen aus Metall, LED Beleuchtung ( am Wagen + Innenbeleuchtung ), per eingebautem NCE DCC Decoder einstellbar Soundtraxx Tsunami SoundCar Decoder

shipping weight: 0,182 kg

Athearn Genesis RTR EMD GP9 "Great Northern" #688

Item #: ATHG82276

MSRP: 259,90 € 199.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

  • Ready for use with DCC (DCC interface)

#688 Dynamic brakes, bell mounted on long hood Motor mit Doppelschwungmasse, Alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, Inneneinrichtung, viele Details seperat angebracht

shipping weight: 1,155 kg

Athearn HO RTR ACF 4600 3-Bay Hopper (3) "Chicago and North Western"

Item #: ATHG15853

MSRP: 184,90 € 159.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

3 Wagen mit unterschiedlichen Wagennummern Metallradsätze, McHenry-Klauenkupplungen, Laufstege aus Metall, viele Details separat angebracht empfohlener Mindestradius: 45,72 cm

shipping weight: 0,660 kg

Athearn Roundhouse RTR 40' Grain Boxcar "Soo Line" #48354

Item #: RND1012

MSRP: 39,90 € 26.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.


shipping weight: 0,143 kg

Athearn Roundhouse RTR ACF 5250 Centerflow Hopper "Canadian Pacific" #649907

Item #: RND7243

MSRP: 39,90 € 32.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.


shipping weight: 0,165 kg

Athearn Roundhouse RTR Chemical Tank Car "General American Transportation Corp." #63814

Item #: RND72995

MSRP: 44,90 € 32.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Metallradsätze, McHenry Klauen-Kupplungen, viele Details zum Teil separat angebracht, beschwert für bessere Laufeigenschaften

shipping weight: 0,220 kg

Metallradsätze, McHenry Klauen-Kupplungen, viele Details zum Teil separat angebracht, beschwert für bessere Laufeigenschaften

Athearn RTR 2-8-0 Consolidation "Great Northern" #1140

Item #: ATH85009

MSRP: 399,90 € 349.00

In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Pre-order deadline: 8/26/2022

  • with DCC Decoder
  • with Sound

5-Pol Motor, alle Achsen angetrieben, Stromaufnahme über alle Achsen, Metallrahmen, LED Beleuchtung, viele Details seperat angebracht

shipping weight: 1,100 kg