Woodland Scenics Fertigmodell Citizens Savings and Loan

by Woodland Scenics

商品編號: 785-5033

建議售價: 104,90 € 99.00

有現貨 - 交貨1-3天時間 *

(含 營業稅加 運送費用)

The local hometown thrift institution assists your layout residents with basic passbook savings accounts, investing and loaning folks cash to plant crops, open small businesses and buy their home. Maße: 13cm x 10,5cm x 9,5cm

商品重量: 0,660 kg

Often bought together

Bundle price: 198.00 €

This product: Woodland Scenics Fertigmodell Citizens Savings and Loan

+ Woodland Scenics Fertigmodell Lubener's General Store