Bachmann 4-4-0 American mit Tender "W&ARR - The General"

by Bachmann

商品編號: BAC52705

建議售價: 364,90 € 319.00

有現貨 - 交貨1-3天時間 *

(含 營業稅加 運送費用)

- SoundTraxx® steam package that includes authentic prototypical chuff, short and long whistles, bell, air pump, steam release, and blower

  • 與 DCC 解碼器
  • 商品有聲音

Beleuchtung Länge ca. 185 mm

商品重量: 0,385 kg

Often bought together

Bundle price: 358.00 €

This product: Bachmann 4-4-0 American mit Tender "W&ARR - The General"

+ Bachmann Old-Time Coach "Western & Antlantic Railroad"